Fundamentals of Corporation
Kirin Group will build a foundation to promote activities for the four priority issues of the “CSV Purpose”.
We will bring joy to society by addressing following issues.
Respect for human rights
We will prevent and correct human rights issues throughout the value chain and create a safe and secure working environment with our business partners. And we will strive to raise awareness of human rights throughout the Group and promote initiatives to respect the human rights of our employees.
Having human capital development for value creation
The source of our corporate competitiveness is our employees, and we will work to develop human resources who will be responsible for our future transformation and growth.
Promoting diversity, equity and inclusion
We will promote diversity and inclusion of perspectives, values, and experiences to integrate the diversity of our employees and turn differences into our strength.
Improving the effectiveness of corporate governance
We will build a governance system that will lead to the sustainable growth of the Group and the enhancement of corporate value over the medium and long term.
Reinforcing risk management
We will develop a risk management system that accurately recognizes risks that may have a significant impact on the achievement of management goals and the continuity of the company, and ensure that these risks are addressed.
Protection of personal information
We regard the protection of personal information as an important theme for practicing respect for human rights, and will implement continuous improvement efforts and employee education.
Ensuring compliance and ethics-oriented business practices
We will comply with laws and regulations, internal and external rules and regulations, and social norms to fulfill our legal responsibilities, and the more ethical responsibilities required by society.
Realizing a workplace where employees can work in a lively and active way
We will aim to create a highly engaged organization with an organizational culture in which each employee proactively takes on challenges.
Strengthening group governance
We will enhance the effectiveness of group governance by establishing a system and structure that allows the Group headquarters to manage the entire business under its control.
Building sustainable logistics (Japanese only)
We will achieve sustainable logistics by improving the productivity of the entire supply chain and reducing the burden of logistics in cooperation with stakeholders.
Ensuring tax transparency
We will comply with tax compliance and ensure tax transparency to our various stakeholders as a global company.