2022-2024 CSV Commitments

The CSV Commitment is a medium to long-term action plan for each business to realize the CSV Purpose, which is the translation of the Group's management philosophy into a social purpose based on the Group Materiality Matrix. For internal management purposes, annual targets are set, and the status of their implementation is monitored on a quarterly basis and reported to the Board of Directors of Kirin Holdings. We will create social value and economic value as enhanced competitiveness and business growth, and deepen our CSV management through our efforts on CSV commitment.

A Responsible Alcohol Producer

  • GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being
Group Materiality Matrix Particularly contribute to SDG targets CSV Commitment
Medium items Theme approach Our Achievements Company/Department Target Value Target Year Latest Achievements(2022) Latest Achievements(2023) Latest Achievements(2024)
Dealing with alcohol-related problemsRaising awareness of responsible drinking 3.5 By providing customers with information on responsible drinking and raising awareness , we aim to eradicate the harmful use of alcohol. In addition we will fulfill our social responsibility as an alcohol producer, and maintain the alcoholic beverage business environment. Participation of responsible drinking programs and number of visitors to the awareness raising content on the website Kirin Brewery 750,000 participants / viewers Cumulative total 2022-2024 1,060,000
participants / viewers
participants / viewers
To be confirmed
Mercian 7,200 participants / viewers Cumulative total 2022-2024 4,530
participants / viewers
participants / viewers
participants / viewers
Lion 100,000 participants / viewers Cumulative total 2022-2024 42,223
participants / viewers
participants / viewers
participants / viewers
Kirin Holdings
CSV Strategy Dept.
135,000 participants / viewers Cumulative total 2022-2024 81,554
participants / viewers
participants / viewers
participants / viewers
Expansion of sales of non and low alcohol products 3.5 Strengthening non and low alcohol products will expand the range of options available to meet customers' objectives and enable customers to control their alcohol consumption. This will also lead to business growth of non and low alcohol products Sales volume growth ratio of non-alcohol beverages Kirin Brewery 117% (compared to 2021) 2024 93%(compared to 2021) 87%(compared to 2021) 78%(compared to 2021)
Sales volume growth ratio of non and low alcohol beverages Mercian 115% (compared to 2021) 2024 79%(compared to 2021) 58%(compared to 2021) 59%(compared to 2021)
Sales percentage of non and low alcohol beverages Lion NZ: 4%
Australia: 7%
2024 NZ: 2.7%
Australia: 4%
Labelling of alcohol content 3.5 Labelling with the amount of alcohol will help customers understand and control their alcohol intake. In addition, we will fulfill our social responsibility as an alcohol producer, and maintain the alcoholic beverage business environment. Percentage of products with alcohol content labelling Kirin Brewery To be started in 2022 2022 started complete (excluding specific overseas brand) complete (excluding specific overseas brand)
Lion 100% 2024 100% 100% 100%

Health and Well-being

  • GOAL 2: Zero Hunger
  • GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being
  • GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Group Materiality Matrix Particularly contribute to SDG targets CSV Commitment
Medium items approach Our Achievements Company/Department Target Value Target Year Latest Achievements(2022) Latest Achievements(2023) Latest Achievements(2024)
Ensuring food safety and security 2.4 We promote hygiene management and food safety management systems globally using international certification (GFSI recognized scheme and ISO 22000 scheme) to ensure the safety and security of our customers. Acquisition rate of international food safety certification (GFSI certification and ISO 22000) Kirin Holdings
Quality Assurance Dept.
96% 2024 87% 93% 96%
Provide pharmaceuticals for Unmet Medical Needs 3.8 By providing Crysvita as a life changing value to as many patients as possible and contributing to their health and well-being, we will lead to the expansion of our business. Number of countries/regions where Crysvita has launched Kyowa Kirin 50 or more countries/regions 2025 40countries/regions 46countries/regions 52countries/regions
Support for maintaining the immune system
Support for the prevention of non-communicable diseases
3.3 We will contribute to global health by implementing Japan-originated immunological research in society. We will use Lactococcus lactis stain Plasma to support the maintenance of customers' immune function, promote the development of proper immune care habits, and develop new markets in Japan and overseas through product development that leverages the Group's assets. Recognition rate of the function of Lactococcus lactis strain Plasma Kirin Holdings
Health Science business Dept.
32% 31% 30%
Number of people who continue to consume Lactococcus lactis strain Plasma in Japan and overseas. 1.9 million people 2024 0.64 million people 0.78 million people 0.78 million people
By developing, and expanding products in the health domain, we will contribute to the maintenance of customers' health through their daily eating habits, leading to business growth. Sales composition ratio of products that contribute to health(sugar-free / low-sugar products, health science domain products) Kirin Beverage 49% 2024 45% 49% 49%
Sales of sugar-free / low-sugar products 110%(compared to 2021) 2024 101%(compared to 2021) 112%(compared to 2021) 122%(compared to 2021)
Sales of health science domain products 145%(compared to 2021) 2024 107%(compared to 2021) 147%(compared to 2021) 163%(compared to 2021)
Through products using Lactococcus lactis stain Plasma that supports the maintenance of immune functions and sugar-free, non and low‐fat products that support the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases, we will contribute to the maintenance of customers' health and lead to the growth of our business. Sales of products that contribute to health Koiwai Dairy Products 120%(compared to 2021) 2024 106%(compared to 2021) 106%(compared to 2022) 117%(compared to 2022)
Support for maintaining the immune system
Helping to improve the performance of brain function and prevent decline
Improvement of access to nutrition
By supplying high-quality Human Milk Oligosaccharide (HMO) to a wide range of markets, from infant formula to health foods, we will contribute to the improvement of customers' health in a wide range of regions and age groups, leading to the growth of our business. Number of users of HMO-containing products (infant formula, health foods, etc.) in Japan and overseas Kyowa Hakko Bio 2 million people 2027 Completion of HMOs production facility Launched the HMOs 7,309 people
Implementation of health management 3.4 As a corporate group that delivers "health" to customers, we aim to create an environment where employees and their families can spend the rest of their lives in good health and mental well-being, and where employees can demonstrate their individual abilities. Survey score of presenteeism*2 in targeted companies*1 Kirin Holdings
People & Culture Dept.
Improvement from 2022 2024 62.55 63.29 63.60
Percentage of people who maintain appropriate weight in targeted companies*1 Improvement from 2020(63.8%) 2024 63.9%(2021) 64.3%(2022) 64.6%(2023)
Percentage of employees of domestic business companies with responsible alcohol consumption (Percentage of people whose score is less than 8 on AUDIT) 73% or more 2024 72.5% 71.6% 71.7%
Helping to improve the performance of brain function and prevent decline 2.2
By supplying Citicoline, a brain-health nutrient, we will be able to support our customers' healthy lifestyles and expand our market by prescribing it to patients and meeting the needs of the health food market for brain function. Number of users of Citicoline-containing products (pharmaceuticals, health foods, etc.) in Japan and overseas Kyowa Hakko Bio 4 million people 2027 1.53 million people 1.91 million people 2.37 million people
  1. Target Company: Kirin Holdings, Kirin Brewery, Kirin Beverage, Mercian, Kyowa Hakko Bio, Kyowa Kirin
  2. Presenteeism: A condition in which a person is working while having health problems.

Community Engagement

  • GOAL 2: Zero Hunger
  • GOAL 4: Quality Education
  • GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
  • GOAL 15: Life on Land
  • GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
Group Materiality Matrix Particularly contribute to SDG targets CSV Commitment
Medium items approach Our Achievements Company/Department Target Value Target Year Latest Achievements(2022) Latest Achievements(2023) Latest Achievements(2024)
Respect for human rights 8.7
We will comply with the Australian Modern Slavery Act to address human rights and modern slavery in the supply chain. Compliance rate with the Australian Modern Slavery Act Lion 100% 2024 100% 100% 100%
We will work to reduce the risk of human rights issues and prevent crisis in the supply chain of major raw materials, leading to the sustainable procurement of raw materials. Number of initiated human rights due diligence on supply chains for agricultural products with high human rights risk Kirin Holdings
Procurement Dept.
3 cases Cumulative total 2022-2024 1 case 1 case 1 case
Sustainable development of communities in raw material production areas and business development regions 2.3
By resolving issues surrounding the cultivation of Japanese hops, we will contribute to the revitalization of communities and economies, leading to the sustainability of raw material production and the growth of our business. Japanese hop production volume Kirin Brewery 100t 2027 105t 78t 81t
By expanding our support for acquiring Rainforest Alliance certification for “KIRIN Gogo-no-Kocha”, we will contribute to the sustainable development and stable procurement of tea leaves in Sri Lanka. Number of farms supported to obtain RA Certification for sustainable development of Sri Lankan tea plantations Kirin Beverage Farms: 15
Small farms: 5,350
Cumulative total 2022-2024 Farms: 4
Small farms: 9
Farms : 0
Small farms : 620
Small farms:3,389
Through the cultivation of high-quality grapes and the expansion of vineyards, we will contribute to environmental conservation and the revitalization of local agriculture and economies, leading to the sustainability of raw material production and stable procurement. Grape yield from company-managed vineyards Mercian 160t 2024 167t 154t 124t
With our business partners, we will increase the transparency of our raw material and other goods/services procurement and improve the sustainability of our supply chain. SEDEX (or equivalent) compliance rate of key suppliers Lion 95% 2024 68% 86% 96%
Creating bonds and trust for people's well-being 11.a Through "KIRIN Gogo-no-Kocha HAPPINESS Project", we will bring joy to society by connecting people who are moving forward with reconstruction with the support of the entire country, which will lead to the growth of "KIRIN Gogo-no-Kocha" brand. Sales volume of “KIRIN Gogo-no-Kocha HAPPINESS Project” Kirin Beverage 115% (compared to 2021) 2024 120% (compared to 2021) 130% (compared to 2021) 75% (compared to 2021)
11.a Through creating connections between people with wine, we will provide our customers with enjoyable times filled with smiles, thereby enhancing our brand value and strengthening our business foundation. Consumption rate of wine in Japan Mercian 32.3% 2024 30.7% 28.5% 27.0%
11.a With our community investment partners, we will contribute to the mental health of people through the communities of our customers and local communities. Number of people reached by community investment programs Lion 8,000 people Cumulative total 2022-2024 2,498 people 2,737 people 7,614 people
11.a By supporting people's mental and physical health through sponsorship, events, and community football activities, we will bring joy to society and enhance our corporate brand value. ・”Kirin Family Challenge Cup “ to be held throughout Japan,
・ KIRIN's corporate imagescore "Connections with People and Society" through the participant Survey
Kirin Holdings
Strategic Marketing Dept.
・Held at 4 venues throughout Japan
・Averagescore over 70%
Cumulative total 2023-2024 - ・Held at 2 venues throughout Japan
・Averagescore 97.8%
・Held at 2 venues throughout Japan
・Averagescore 97.6%
Enhancing the sustainability of food economy 8.9
Through the expansion of the craft beer category, we will spread the joy of beer drinking and contribute to the revitalization of business partners and industries while developing beer and food culture, and lead to business growth. Market size of Japanese craft beer Kirin Brewery 150% (compared to 2021) 2024 115% 124% To be confirmed
By growing the Japanese black tea market through the brand activities of "KIRIN Gogo-no-Kocha", we will increase the purchase of Sri Lankan tea leaves and contribute to the development of the tea industry and the growth of our business. Black tea market share within Japanese soft drink market Kirin Beverage 4.91% 2024 4.81% 4.76% 4.88%
Through the creation and energizing of communities where Château Mercian wineries are located, we will contribute to the regional development and the Japanese wine industry, leading to the growth of our business. Awareness of Japanese wine Mercian 31.4% 2024 Setting the target 28.7% 31.1%

The Environment

  • GOAL 2: Zero Hunger
  • GOAL 4: Quality Education
  • GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
  • GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
  • GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
  • GOAL 13: Climate Action
  • GOAL 14: Life Below Water
  • GOAL 15: Life on Land
Group Materiality Matrix Particularly contribute to SDG targets CSV Commitment
Medium items Theme approach Our Achievements Company/Department Target Value Target Year Latest Achievements(2022) Latest Achievements(2023) Latest Achievements(2024)
Sustainable use of biological resourcesTea leaves 2.3
We will expand our support for acquiring Rainforest Alliance certification, which will lead to the stable procurement of tea leaves by solving environmental problems in production areas. Number of farms supported to obtain Sri Lanka RA certification Kirin Beverage Farms : 15
Small farms : 5,350
Cumulative total 2022-2024 Farms : 4
Small farms : 9
Farms : 0
Small farms : 620
Farms : 5
Small farms : 3,389
Paper 15.4 Through the procurement of FSC® certified paper and other means, we will work to ensure the sustainability of raw materials that may otherwise be destroyed by deforestation. Usage ratio of FSC-certified paper or recycled paper for paper containers and packaging*3 Kirin Brewery 100% 2024 100% 100% 100%
Kirin Beverage 100% 2024 100% 100% 100%
Mercian 100% 2024 100% 100% 100%
Koiwai Dairy Products 100% 2030 Implementation of switching of 4 products 93% 93%
Kyowa Hakko Bio 100% 2030 80% 80% 80%
Kyowa Kirin 100% 2030 50% 74% 72%
Kirin Holdings
Health Science Business Dept.
①Aduption of FSC-certificated paper:100%
②Switch to FSC-certified paper: 4 products
③Switch to non-metallic packaging materials: 2 products
Cumulative total 2022-2024 ①100%
②2 Products
③1 Product
②0 Products
③1 Product
①No applicable items
②1 Products
③0 Product
Food waste 12.3 We will promote the reduction of product disposal and recycling, which will lead to a reduction in food waste generated by production activities. Amount of product waste reduction rate Kirin Brewery 50%(compared to 2015) 2024 50% or more achieved 50% or more achieved 50% or more achieved
Kirin Beverage 50% or more(compared to 2015) 2030 50% or more achieved 50% or more achieved 50% or more achieved
Sustainable use of water resources 6.4 By reducing the amount of water used in our business activities, we will ensure the sustainability of water resources by conducting water resource preservation activities and other measures. Water intensity Kirin Brewery 5.6m3/kl or less 2024 5.6m3/kl or less 5.8m3/kl or less 5.5m3/kl or less
*Fujisawa Plant
3.41m3/kl or less 2024 3.54m3/kl 3.60m3/kl 3.51m3/kl
Lion 2.4kl/kl or less 2025 3.6kl/kl 3.3kl/kl 3.1kl/kl
Reduction rate of water use volumes Kirin Beverage
*Shonan Plant, Shinshu Beverage
Less than 2023 2024 1,950,000m3 1,750,655m3 1,873,762m3
Kyowa Hakko Bio 32%(compared to 2015) 2030 51% 63% 66.7%
Kyowa Kirin 40%(compared to 2019) 2030 33% 36% 34%
Sustainable recycling of containers and packaging 12.4
In addition to the use of recycled materials and biomass, and the development of new containers and services, we will help improve the sustainability of the PET resource cycle by building recycling systems and developing resource recovery and recycling infrastructure in the regions where we operate. Percentage of plastic bottle recycled resin used Kirin Brewery 50% 2027 8% 28% 36%
Kirin Beverage
Reduction of one-way plastic volume
Reduction of PET volume
Mercian PET bottles 93t
Other plastic bottles 34.5t (compared to 2020)
2024 66t
Percentage of containers and packaging materials that can be reused, recycled, or composted Lion 100% 2025 99% 99% 99%
Percentage of container materials that can be recycled Lion 50% or more 2025 62% 71% 71%
Overcoming climate change 7.2
In addition to achieving RE100 at an early stage and making 100% of the energy used by our company come from renewable energy sources, we will expand the use of renewable energy in society and work with stakeholders to build a business model that contributes to a decarbonized society. GHG (Green House Gas)emission reduction rate: Scope 1+2 Kirin Brewery 55%(compared to 2019)
30%(compared to 2019)
10% 17% 30%
Kirin Beverage 55%(compared to 2019)
17%(compared to 2019)
11% 16% 14%
Mercian 55%(compared to 2019)
25%(compared to 2019)
6% 33% 48%
Lion 55%(compared to 2019)
30%(compared to 2019)
26% 43% 43%
Kyowa Hakko Bio 55%(compared to 2019)
32%(compared to 2019)
32% 47% 52%
Kyowa Kirin 55%(compared to 2019)
51%(compared to 2019)
42% 55% To be confirmed
Ratio of renewable energy to electricity used by the entire Group Kirin Holdings
CSV strategy Dept.
100% 2040 27% 42% To be confirmed
GHG (Green House Gas)emission reduction rate: Scope 3 Kirin Holdings
CSV strategy Dept.
30%(compared to 2019) 2030 8% 10% To be confirmed
  1. Paper containers and packaging handled by each operating company, with targets determined by each operating company.
    Kirin Beverage will continue to use 100% of FSC-certified paper for paper containers and packaging.
    Overseas target companies will check the status of sustainable paper resource procurement and set targets for the future.

Commitments and Performance Indicators