Health and well-being
We develop safe, secure products in our food and beverages businesses that both taste great and support self-care. We also provide new products and services and new drug creation that leverage the strengths of our pharmaceutical and bio-chemical businesses. Through these actions, we help our customers develop physical and mental health and improve their quality of life.
Ensuring food safety and security
We will establish a hygiene management system for the manufacturing process based on international standards, which will lead to an improved sense of security and trust among our customers.
Ensuring quality assurance and a stable supply of pharmaceuticals
We will build and operate a system to ensure a stable supply of high-quality, safe pharmaceuticals.
Creating and supplying life-changing pharmaceuticals
We will continue to provide life-changing value to as many patients as possible by researching and developing groundbreaking new drugs and marketing them globally.
Support for maintaining the immune system
We will contribute to the "maintenance of people's health" by providing customers with products that support the maintenance of the immune system of healthy people.
Ensuring occupational health and safety
We will enhance the safety of our employees, which is the foundation of value creation and important for implementing CSV management.
Support for the prevention of non-communicable diseases
By supporting the daily eating habits of customers, we will contribute to addressing lifestyle-related diseases and maintaining health.
Implementation of health and productivity management
As a company that delivers health to its customers, we will create an environment and opportunities for our employees to actively promote health.
Helping to maintain and improve physical and mental performance
Through innovative products, we will meet the needs of our customers to prevent the decline of brain functions associated with aging and to improve concentration and performance.
Improvement of access to nutrition
Through the stable supply of well-balanced products that support dietary needs, we will contribute to the improvement of the health of customers of all ages and in all regions.