
Value Creation Model

Enhancing economic and social value with the concept
“creating shared value” positioned at the heart of all management


Foundations for driving innovations


The Kirin Group is helping society with various issues
while treating those challenges as opportunities for business growth

OUTPUT The Group is leveraging its foundations for driving innovations that enable its businesses to help society around the world settle the issuesOUTPUT The Group is leveraging its foundations for driving innovations that enable its businesses to help society around the world settle the issues

Financial key performance indicators / Non-financial key performance indicators Financial key performance indicators / Non-financial key performance indicators


The Kirin Group gives value back to the society it serves

Economic value Maximized cash flows Social value CSV long-term and non-financial targets Achievement of CSV Purpose

In 2017, the Kirin Group selected being “a responsible alcohol producer” “health and well-being,” “community engagement,” and “the environment” to be key social issues among the various social issues that affect the Group. To face these issues, the Group has set CSV long-term and non-financial targets in the Kirin Group Vision 2027, our long-term management vision and formulated our CSV Purpose as a guideline to create shared value with society and promote sustainable growth in connection with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Corporate Governance Discussion with Management
Corporate Governance Interview with the Outside Auditor

Editorial Policy

Aiming to become a global leader in creating shared value(CSV), the Kirin Group is striving to create value in business domains spanning from food & beverages to pharmaceuticals under its long-term management vision, Kirin Group Vision 2027, now in its first year in 2019. To signal its new direction toward achieving this goal, Kirin Holdings changed the name of its annually published integrated report to Kirin CSV Report. In this year’s report, Kirin Group Vision 2027 and the new 2019 – 2021 Medium-Term Business Plan are explained in detail by the CEO and CFO of Kirin Holdings. The report also features the Group’s model for creating value, which incorporates the new vision and Kirin’s unique strengths, along with its long history and current areas of operations around the world. Readers are invited to make use of this report to gain a better understanding of the Kirin Group’s new path forward.


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