- Message from the Chief Financial Officer
Special Feature: Growth Strategies for the Health Science Domain
- Value Creation Model
Strengthening Organizational Capabilities
- Financial and Non-Financial Highlights
CSV Stories
Corporate Governance
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Value Creation Model
Enhancing economic and social value with the concept “creating shared value” positioned at the core of all management
The Kirin Group’s Corporate Philosophy
KIRIN brings joy to society by crafting food
and healthcare products inspired by the blessings of nature and the insights of our customers
Foundations for driving innovations

The Kirin Group is activating business synergies to approach social issues as opportunities for business growth
Business domains

The Group is leveraging its foundation for driving innovation that enable its businesses to help society around the world settle the issues
Providing products and services to build bonds between people
Providing products and services to improve people’s quality of life
Continually developing innovative new drugs

The Kirin Group gives value back to the society it serves
Economic value
Maximized cash flows
Social value
CSV Purpose

Health and Well-being

The Environment


A Responsible
Alcohol Producer
CSV Stories
By solving issues confronting people today and creating new value, the Kirin Group is aiming to evolve as a global leader in creating shared value (CSV). Toward that end, we formulated our CSV Purpose, which includes the Group’s long-term direction, and our CSV Commitment as a medium- to long-term action plan. This section introduces various business activities aimed at realizing the commitment and the Group’s framework for promoting CSV.
Kirin Group corporate governance
Editorial Policy
The Kirin Group Vision 2027 (KV2027) sets the long-term management vision for the Group to become a Global Leader in CSV by creating value in the Food & Beverages and Pharmaceuticals domains. In the 2020 edition of the KIRIN CSV Report, the CEO and CFO of Kirin Holdings show the results of the first year under KV2027 and describe actions taken to strengthen the business foundation for fulfilling the medium-term business plan. The report also includes a special feature on the Company’s growth strategies in the Health Science domain applying our strengths in fermentation and biotechnology. In these changing and uncertain times, we are applying the KIRIN DNA and the Group’s capabilities as an organization to use our businesses to address social issues and to carry out CSV management. We hope this report will help readers understand the intentions and the aspirations of the Kirin Group.
Download PDF files by section
Special Feature: Growth Strategies for the Health Science Domain
Value Creation Model
Strengthening Organizational Capabilities
CSV Stories
- CSV Stories
- Kirin Group CSV Purpose and CSV Commitment
- Highlights of Environmental Initiatives
- CASE 1: The Environment:Recycling PET bottles and saving resources group-wide
- CASE 2: Health and Well-being—Pharmaceuticals Business—:Developing unique pharmaceuticals to bring relief to patients around the world
- CASE 3: A Responsible Alcohol Producer:Contributing to healthy and pleasurable lives by developing a variety of non-alcoholic beers