Analyst Coverage

As of January 2025 <in alphabetical order, with titles omitted>

Company NameAnalyst Name
BofA Securities Japan Co., Ltd. Haruka Ono
CLSA Securities Japan Co., Ltd. Nigel Muston
Goldman Sachs Japan Co., Ltd. Takashi Miyazaki
JPMorgan Securities Japan Co., Ltd. Satoshi Fujiwara
Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd. Hiroshi Saji
Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities Co., Ltd. Haruka Miyake
Okasan Securities Co., Ltd. Manabu Sumoge
Phillip Securities Japan, Ltd. Satsuki Kawasaki
Sanford C. Bernstein (Hong Kong) Limited Euan McLeish
SMBC Nikko Securities Inc. Naomi Takagi
UBS Securities Japan Co., Ltd. Rei Ihara


The lists above are based on the information available to KIRIN as of the publication and compiled by KIRIN. Therefore, please note that the lists are not complete, that KIRIN does not support or sponsor any of these analysts, nor that the information is the latest.

Analysts analyze and forecast performance, operation, products, technologies and other aspects of KIRIN based on their independent judgment. KIRIN is not involved in any part of this process.

The lists are prepared solely for shareholders and investors to provide information on analysts and their affiliation which analyze and forecast the business performance of KIRIN . Please note that it should not be as an offer to sell or for solicitation to buy shares of KIRIN.

Please refer to the  "Disclaimer" page for this site.