[first sentense]

October 27, 2011

Kirin Consolidates Schincariol Group (Revised and Amended)

Kirin Holdings Company, Limited (hereafter, "Kirin") revised the date of transfer of the subsidiary disclosed in the August 2 release entitled "Kirin Consolidates Schincariol Group" and has added subsidiaries to the scope of the transfer.

1. Revision of Subsidiary Transfer Date

  • Before revision: August 2, 2011
  • After revision: October 11, 2011

Reasons: As announced in the October 12 release entitled "Progress regarding the Acquisition of Schincariol Group Shares," on October 11, the Appellate Court of São Paulo revoked the injunction issued by the lower court concerning Kirin's acquisition of Aleadri-Schinni Participações e Representações S.A. shares. Based on investigations conducted according to that decision, Kirin determined that October 11, the day on which exercise of its rights as a shareholder of Aleadri-Schinni became possible, is appropriate as the subsidiary transfer date.

2. Addition of Transferred Subsidiaries

Kirin made an addition to the subsidiaries of Schincariol Participações e Representações S.A. to be transferred and provided timely disclosure to that fact in the August 2 release entitled "Kirin Consolidates Schincariol Group." Of the company's 16 subsidiaries, timely disclosure is provided that the two subsidiaries set forth in the Attachment will be subject to transfer. The date of transfer is the same as that listed in (1.) above (after revision). There are no changes to the reasons for the consolidation, the purchase method, or the purchase price of the counterparties to the acquisition from the information provided in the August 2 release.

3. Future Outlook

With respect to the impact of the acquisition on Kirin's consolidated business results, Kirin plans to include income and expenses generated by the Schincariol Group in its consolidated business results for the 2012 fiscal year, and the impact in the 2011 fiscal year will be minimal.


Summary of Transferred Subsidiaries

Primo Schincariol Indústria de Cervejas e Refrigerantes S.A. Fact Sheet

1. Company Name: Primo Schincariol Indústria de Cervejas e Refrigerantes S.A.
2. Headquarters: Itu, Sao Paulo, Brazil
3. Representatives: CEO: Adriano Schincariol
4. Business Description: Manufacture and sale of beer and soft drinks
5. Capital: BRL 1,352 million (as of 12/2010)
6. Net Assets: BRL 1,428 million (as of 12/2010)
7. Total Assets: BRL 3,744 million (as of 12/2010)
8. Establishment: 1939
9. Shareholders / Shareholding Ratio: Schincariol Participações e Representações S.A.  99.99%
10. Relationship with Kirin: No capital, personal or transactional relationships

Companhia de Bebidas Primo Schincariol Primo Schincariol Fact Sheet

1. Company Name: Companhia de Bebidas Primo Schincariol
2. Headquarters: Cachoeiras de Macacu, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
3. Representatives: CEO: Adriano Schincariol
4. Business Description: Manufacture and sale of beer and soft drinks
5. Capital: BRL 587 million (as of 12/2010)
6. Net Assets: BRL 802 million (as of 12/2010)
7. Total Assets: BRL 1,707 million (as of 12/2010)
8. Establishment: 2000
9. Shareholders / Shareholding Ratio: Primo Schincariol Indústria de Cervejas e Refrigerantes S.A.  72.13%
Schincariol Participações e Representações S.A.  27.86%
10. Relationship with Kirin: No capital, personal or transactional relationships