Kirin Group Environmental Vision 2050
Creating a plentiful world through positive impacts
February 10, 2020
Kirin Holdings Company, Limited
Kirin Holdings Company, Limited (President and CEO: Yoshinori Isozaki) established the Kirin Group Long-Term Environmental Vision in 2013 as the long-term strategy directed towards 2050 to advance awareness of the issues facing the global environment, and since then, the Kirin Group has worked to realize that vision. However, the global trends surrounding the environment are significantly changing, including multiple international initiatives such as The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) originating from the Paris Agreement and marine plastic pollution now being discussed as a global problem. Moreover, the initiatives carried out by companies to address the environmental issues are changing from initiatives within the company to initiatives that have a positive impact on society as a whole.
Given these changes, the Kirin Group has revised the existing environmental vision and newly established the Kirin Group Environmental Vision 2050 with the aim of strengthening the resilience of society and the company. Under this new vision, we will work together with the young generations who will inherit the world and other members of society to create a prosperous world for future generations.
Kirin Group Environmental Vision 2050
In the long-term management vision Kirin Group Vision 2027 (KV2027) announced in 2019, the company declared that it will aim to become “A global leader in CSV*, creating value across our world of Food & Beverages to Pharmaceuticals”. The Kirin Group CSV Purpose (CSV Purpose) was established as the long-term non-financial targets for KV2027 and as the guiding principle for co-creating value with society to achieve sustained growth. However, when formulating the new Kirin Group Environmental Vision 2050, the purpose for “The Environment” was revised.
- Creating Shared Value. It is all about creating value that can be shared with customers and society.
Conceptual diagram of the CSV Purpose, the Kirin Group’s long-term non-financial targets
The Kirin Group intends to proactively address various social issues in an effort to work together with everyone in the value chain to share the spirit of continuously and sustainably enjoying the blessings of nature into the future.