Providing New Options for Non-alcoholic Beverages and Promoting Responsible Drinking
- A Responsible Alcohol Producer
May 31, 2024
The Kirin Group is aiming to create value in the three domains of Food & Beverages, Pharmaceuticals, and Health Science, and we have grown from a brewing business. Since CSV is the core of the Group’s management, we position “A Responsible Alcohol Producer” as a basis of CSV purpose.
We are aware of the negative impact of harmful alcohol consumption on society, and we have a social responsibility to take action to prevent the various problems of the harmful use of alcohol. At the same time, a drinking culture has grown together with food culture specific to each region around the world. We believe that we have a role to take this drinking culture on to the next generation. Thus, we are committed to eradicating the harmful use of alcohol and to contributing to the fostering of a good drinking culture.
An example of these efforts is the initiative of Kirin Brewery Company, Limited, to eliminate drunk driving through Kirin GREENS FREE, a non-alcoholic beverage that tastes like beer. With Kirin GREENS FREE, we are offering a new, fun way to enjoy non-alcoholic beverages: “A choice beverage for a relaxing time.” By offering value in the form of active drinking in addition to a conventional substitute for alcoholic beverages, we expand consumers’ choice by aiming to eliminate drunk driving and the harmful use of alcohol. We create videos using our non-alcoholic brand and upload them to social media broadly, hoping that consumers will recognize these social issues as being close to home.
In addition, Kirin Beverage Company, Limited, is developing KIRIN naturals, a health-management support service for corporations. As a part of this service, they are offering a program unique to Kirin, the Responsible Drinking Program. The program aims to reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases and improve productivity by encouraging responsible drinking for employees by letting them record the amount of alcohol they consume via LINE. This program provides them with continuous support in the form of advice from registered dieticians and promotes responsible drinking when they choose to drink.
The Kirin Group is committed to raising awareness of responsible drinking in aim of eradicating the harmful use of alcohol, while fulfilling our social responsibility to maintain an Alcoholic Beverages business. Additionally, we will drive our Non-alcoholic and Low-alcohol Beverages businesses and expand our beverage selection to meet consumers’ needs and support the control of alcohol consumption.
From the Kirin GREENS FREE designated driver appeal edition video
*Stated information as at the date it is made
Kirin Group is aiming to partner with society in achieving mutual growth by
placing CSV at the core of its management.We create social value and economic value by solving social issues through our business activities in the Group.
Value Creation Model is our business model that amplifies the two values through a sustainable cycle of reinvesting the economic value in our drivers.