General Meetings of Shareholders
186th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
1. Date and Time
Friday, March 28, 2025 at 10:00 a.m
2. Place
Ballroom B2, The Prince Park Tower Tokyo
8-1, Shiba Koen 4-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo
3. Agenda
Matters to be reported:
- Business report, consolidated financial statements, and the results of the audit of the consolidated financial statements by the Accounting Auditor and the Audit & Supervisory Board for the 186th fiscal year (January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024).
- Financial statements for the 186th fiscal year (January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024).
Matters to be voted on:
Proposal No. 1: Appropriation of surplus
Proposal No. 2: Election of twelve (12) Directors of the Board
Proposal No. 3: Partial revision to the framework of remuneration to Eligible Directors and Officers relating to the Trust-type Stock Compensation Plan
4. Materials for the General Meeting of Shareholders
- Convocation Notice of the 186th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
- Reference Documents and Business Reports, etc. of the 186th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
- Electronic Provision Measures Matters of the 186th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders and Others (matters omitted from this Convocation Notice of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders)